011《第一回:Chris Prat》
文法:Stand with someone
文法:Share something with someone
文法:Look back
028《第二回:Vanessa Bryan》
文法:Take comfort in sth
文法:Affect by sth
041《第三回:Ariana Grande》
文法:Gush over sb/sth
文法:Check out
文法:Safe and sane
文法:Shut (sth) down
059《第五回:Jennifer Lopez》
文法:Ease up/off
文法:Understatement of the year/decade/century
070《第六回:Justin Timberlake》
文法:Take back
文法:Pay back
082《第七回:Gwyneth Paltrow》
文法:The rest
文法:Serve with
092《第八回:Emilia Clarke》
文法:Turn out
文法:Of course
103《第九回:Katy Perry》
文法:At risk
文法:Lack of sth
115《第十回:Lily Collins》
文法:Binge the show/Binge-watching
文法:At large