011 第一回:危機管理-事件1-電話來了!
文法1:If things are busy in the office, you shouldtell them in polite way
文法2:I wish Judy was here
021 第二回:危機管理-事件2-不同主張
文法1:20% off
文法2:tart asking v.s. start to ask
030 第三回:危機管理-事件3-電腦當機
文法1:should v.s. could v.s. would
文法2:describe what issue you have
039 第四回:誤會大了!
文法1:there has been a misunderstanding.
文法2:that’s not mine
048 第五回:報告時,電腦故障了
059 第六回:火災警報器響了
文法1:go off.
文法2:Mr. Brown had been smoking
069 第七回:簡潔扼要地報告老闆
文法1:keep her in the picture.
文法2:as quickly as possible
080 第八回:下份工作在哪
文法1:it was me who got rid of her..
文法2:being able to make free phone calls